Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is a versatile cosmetic procedure where a tooth-colored resin is applied and bonded to the surface of a tooth. This procedure is commonly used to address minor imperfections such as chips, cracks, and small gaps between teeth. By carefully sculpting and bonding the resin, dentists can restore the appearance of damaged teeth, improve alignment, and create a more uniform smile. Dental bonding is also effective for covering stains or discolorations on teeth, helping to achieve a brighter and more aesthetically pleasing smile.

Additionally, dental bonding can also serve a protective function by covering exposed tooth roots, reducing sensitivity, and preventing decay. Overall, dental bonding is a minimally invasive and cost-effective solution for enhancing the aesthetics of your smile and addressing various cosmetic dental concerns.

Schedule a consultation at Gentle Dental Care to learn more about how dental bonding can transform your smile.
